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Gasket Sealer Clip Strip
The Gasket Sealer Clip Strip is a convenient, economical and effective way to keep machined surfaces from leaking. This blue tape provides extra insurance that your gaskets won't leak oil, A/F or coolant due to the extreme temperatures, constant vibration and other conditions that car motors endure. With 4 grams of sealer per clip, you can use this product for water pumps, thermostats and other small gasket applications. Features:- Blue tape seals machined surfaces- Prevents leaking gaskets- Resists oil, ATF, and coolant - Ideal for water pumps and thermostats - 0.14 oz / 4 grams form Benefits: - Keeps engine parts secure without sacrificing performance - Offers a reliable seal without requiring too much product - Quickly installs with minimal spillage to reduce mess - Easy to remove when parts need to be replaced.
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